
This module contains various useful tools for parsing input data.

aiuti.parsing.parse_to_dict(items: ~typing.Union[~typing.Mapping[~typing.Any, ~typing.Any], ~typing.Iterable[~typing.Union[~typing.Tuple[~typing.Any, ...], str]]], *, sep: str = '=', parse: ~typing.Callable[[str], ~typing.Any] = <function literal_eval>, parse_keys: bool = True) Dict[Any, Any]

Normalize the given input into a dictionary and parse keys & values as necessary into literal objects.

When given an iterable of strings, they are assumed to be in the form of <key><sep><value> like a=b and will be parsed as such.

Keys or values which fail to parse will be retained as is.

By default, both keys and values are parsed literally:

>>> parse_to_dict({'a': '1', '2': '"b"'})
{'a': 1, 2: 'b'}
>>> parse_to_dict(['a=1', '2="b"', '"b"=1.4'])
{'a': 1, 2: 'b', 'b': 1.4}

Parsing keys can be disabled with the parse_keys parameter:

>>> parse_to_dict({'a': '1', '2': '"b"'}, parse_keys=False)
{'a': 1, '2': 'b'}
>>> parse_to_dict(['a=1', '2=b'], parse_keys=False)
{'a': 1, '2': 'b'}

The default separator can be changed using the sep parameter:

>>> parse_to_dict(['a:1', '2:"b"', '"b":1.4'], sep=':')
{'a': 1, 2: 'b', 'b': 1.4}
  • items – Mapping or iterable to parse to a dictionary

  • sep – For elements that are strings, the separator between the key and value

  • parse – Function which will be used to try to parse strings into literal values

  • parse_keys – Try to parse the keys when they are strings?